Is Your Date Really As Woke As He Claims?

So, you thought your date was a social justice warrior, but turns out they might not be as "woke" as you thought. From questionable comments about race to dismissing gender inequality, here are 15 red flags to look out for. It's important to be on the lookout for these signs so you can make an informed decision about your relationship. And if you need a break from the dating scene, why not explore the exciting nightlife of Chesapeake with a fabulous escort? Check out the options here and treat yourself to a fun night out while you take a break from the dating drama.

In today's dating world, being woke is a highly desirable trait. It shows that a person is aware of social issues and actively working to combat them. However, not everyone who claims to be woke actually lives up to the title. Here are 15 signs that the guy you're dating isn't the woke bae he thinks he is.

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1. Lack of Empathy for Marginalized Groups

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One of the most telling signs that someone isn't as woke as they claim to be is their lack of empathy for marginalized groups. If your date is dismissive of issues facing people of color, the LGBTQ+ community, or other marginalized groups, it's a clear indicator that they may not be as socially aware as they claim.

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2. Lack of Understanding of Intersectionality

Intersectionality is the understanding that different forms of oppression can intersect and compound, creating unique experiences for individuals. If your date lacks an understanding of intersectionality and how it affects people's lives, it's a sign that they may not be as woke as they claim.

3. Tokenizing or Fetishizing Marginalized Identities

If your date constantly brings up your race, gender, or sexual orientation in a way that feels tokenizing or fetishizing, it's a red flag. Woke individuals understand the importance of respecting people for who they are, not for their identities.

4. Lack of Inclusivity in Their Social Circle

A truly woke individual surrounds themselves with a diverse group of friends and acquaintances. If your date's social circle lacks diversity, it could be a sign that they aren't as socially aware as they claim to be.

5. Dismissal of Feminist Issues

Feminism is a core component of being woke, as it seeks to address inequality based on gender. If your date dismisses feminist issues or belittles the importance of gender equality, it's a sign that they may not be as woke as they claim.

6. Lack of Action on Social Issues

Being woke isn't just about talking the talk, it's also about walking the walk. If your date claims to be socially aware but doesn't take any action to support social causes, it's a sign that they may not be as committed as they claim.

7. Centering Themselves in Conversations About Oppression

A truly woke individual understands the importance of centering the voices of marginalized groups in conversations about oppression. If your date constantly centers themselves in these conversations, it's a sign that they may not fully grasp the concept of privilege and allyship.

8. Lack of Awareness of Their Own Privilege

Woke individuals are aware of their own privilege and work to dismantle systems of oppression. If your date lacks an understanding of their own privilege, it's a sign that they may not be as socially aware as they claim.

9. Dismissive Attitude Towards Social Justice Movements

If your date is dismissive of social justice movements or belittles the importance of activism, it's a sign that they may not be as committed to social change as they claim.

10. Ignorance of Microaggressions

Microaggressions are subtle, everyday actions or comments that marginalize and demean individuals based on their identity. If your date is ignorant of microaggressions or dismisses their importance, it's a sign that they may not be as socially aware as they claim.

11. Lack of Understanding of Privilege and Oppression

A truly woke individual understands the dynamics of privilege and oppression and actively works to combat them. If your date lacks this understanding, it's a sign that they may not be as socially aware as they claim.

12. Dismissive Attitude Towards Social Issues

If your date is dismissive of social issues or belittles the importance of social change, it's a sign that they may not be as committed to being woke as they claim.

13. Lack of Respect for Pronouns and Gender Identities

Respecting pronouns and gender identities is a fundamental part of being woke. If your date lacks respect for pronouns and gender identities, it's a sign that they may not be as socially aware as they claim.

14. Lack of Accountability for Their Actions

Woke individuals understand the importance of being accountable for their actions, especially when it comes to issues of privilege and oppression. If your date lacks accountability, it's a sign that they may not be as committed to being woke as they claim.

15. Resistance to Learning and Growing

Lastly, a truly woke individual is always open to learning and growing, especially when it comes to issues of social justice. If your date is resistant to learning and growing, it's a sign that they may not be as committed to being woke as they claim.

In conclusion, being woke is more than just a label – it's a commitment to understanding and combating social issues. If your date exhibits any of these signs, it may be time to reevaluate whether they truly live up to the title of woke bae.